Timed math tests are known for being "a thing of the past." However, it is still very important for students to have the majority of their multiplication facts memorized.
It is valuable for students to have their multiplication facts memorized because…
it helps build their self-confidence
it makes advanced math easier for them to tackle
they will learn division faster
they will have a better understanding of division
they will have a solid understanding of fact families
it can help them in real-life situations
Multiplication facts are one of the core foundations of math!
I have found that incorporating multiplication facts into my morning routine is the #1 easiest way to support my students in memorizing their multiplication facts.
Here’s what I do:
I hold a morning meeting every single morning.
First, we watch the school-wide news and say our class pledge.
Then, we count by 3’s all together as a whole group in a rhythm.
If students have skip counting by 3’s memorized, then they can solve any multiplication problem that involves a 3!
After counting by 3’s, we say the “tricky multiplication facts” all together as a group in a rhythm.
I post this slide up on the board for everyone to follow along and read together:
By December or so, every single student can count by 3’s and has all of these facts memorized.
We continue this morning routine for the entire year and it is a game changer!
This especially helps my students who are EL, have special needs, or are simply who are below grade level.
It also validates and affirms students who love to verbally process information.
Students love consistency and saying our class pledge and counting all together every morning is a powerful and predictable way to start the day.
My students who blurt all the time, LOVE this morning routine because they get a chance to chant/say things in a rhythm, out loud with the whole group.
This simple addition to your morning routine, can help change your student’s confidence in math! It takes 60 seconds or less and can improve self-confidence and automaticity.
Try this strategy with your class and see how they like it! Then, let me know what you think by sending me a message on Instagram @always.upper.elementary or tagging me in your posts! :)
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Happy teaching!
Ms. Ringold